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Our products are natural formulas and contain no additives, hormones or stimulants. We do not claim to treat or cure any disease and you should seek the advice from a qualified medical professional if you have underlying health conditions before you commence using our products or program.

The SLIMTOX program is not suitable for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

Weight loss can create dramatic changes in physique and should be professionally monitored. If you have a known medical condition, are being treated for any illness, and/or taking prescription medications, SLIMTOX strongly urges that you consult your physician or a qualified GP as our program may not be suitable for you.

Weight loss takes time and effort to be successful. This program is not a quick fix and should not be considered as one. We urge you to seek the advice of your physician or consult a qualified GP regarding your specific circumstance before undertaking any weight loss program. 

SLIMTOX takes no responsibility for any medical complications arising due to improper and unqualified use, of information on this website for any reasons, personal or otherwise. If you have any medical questions about the program you should consult your licensed medical provider before using our herbal products.

It is very important that people do not self-diagnose any health condition. Any medication (herbal or otherwise) should be taken under the supervision of a knowledgeable practitioner as some herbal remedies may interfere with medication.

If you have an on-going or pre-existing condition you may need blood tests for example to find the cause. 

Western Herbal Medicine is the therapeutic use of plants to treat disease and enhance general health and wellbeing. Herbs can act on the body as powerfully as synthetic drugs and should be treated with the same care and respect.

All weight loss results shown on this website are typical and not guaranteed results. Individual weight loss results may vary from person to person.

The reasons behind obesity or overweight can differ greatly among individuals, stemming from factors such as environment, genetics, physical activity levels, metabolic rates, dietary habits, and more.

SLIMTOX does not provide any assurance or promise regarding the outcomes stated on this website.

Alternate the application site daily. We recommend switching between left and right sides each day. Patches may cause a mild skin irritation, potentially leading to itching, redness, or blistering.

If irritation does occur, remove patch and try another area which is less sensitive and one that has had more exposure to the sun such as arms or shoulders. Limit patch wear to a maximum of 8 hours within a 24-hour timeframe.

Allow your skin to heal, and use a hydrocortisone 1%  cream to treat the rash (seek medical advice).

Refunds will not be issued for cases of Irritant Contact Dermatitis, as this condition typically arises from the gel adhesive rather than a product fault. Additionally, refunds will not be granted solely based on the recommendation of a healthcare professional.